Imbuir | Our Story
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the imbuir story

As successful naturopathic doctors, founders Andrea Kuzmiski and Agnes Matacz recognized their field of medicine was missing that “little extra something”.

The inspiration?  After experiencing the successes of iV therapy in their individual practices, Andrea and Agnes decided to combine their talents and passion for integrative medicine and create an innovative concept that would make nutritional iV therapy mainstream.

The vision?  To create a brand that changes the way that people look at iV therapy; recognizing that it can become part of an already health conscious lifestyle. With mission in hand, imbuir opened its first location in Burlington, Ontario in 2013.

Why imbuir [im-bwir]?  The Spanish declare it’s about infusing an attribute that permeates the whole culture.  At imbuir our team believes the same.  We aim to provide our clients with an unforgettable experience that makes them feel their lifestyle has been infused.  We do all of this in an environment with modern and sophisticated design that elevates the integrative medicine experience.