Imbuir | dr. andrea kuzmiski
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dr. andrea kuzmiski

naturopathic doctor, IV practitioner, clinic co-owner

I take pride in helping my patients transform their health and create the best version of themselves though the use of evidence based, personalized naturopathic medicine.  I work side-by-side with my patients and their medical team to ensure a holistic approach to health is achieved.

Since 2005, I have taken a dedicated interest in intravenous therapy, hormone health for both men and women, weight loss, and digestive repair.

I am passionate about lifestyle medicine and love to share my knowledge with others. I implement holistic medicine in my everyday life and teach my family to embrace these principles as well. I am proud to be an entrepreneur, mother of 2 young children, and wife.

To book an appointment with Andrea or to have her speak to your group or corporation, please contact

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